This week we have been learning how to make comparisons using “más”, more, and “menos” less, in Spanish 2. We decided to try something a little different called “Flip the Class,” basically you learn the material at home and then you do the homework is class. Since it was our frist time trying it we watch the video on comparisons in class and reviewed each other on what we had just learned. In stead of worksheets in class, then a quiz, and finally a test we are making a slide show project on the lesson. This method of learning, to me, can be either bad or good. Good because it gives you time in class to ask questions if you do not understand instead of going home and not having anyone to ask, especially in Spanish. Bad, because a worksheet could show your ammount of understand on the subject. If you combined the two or had certain days where you used this method of learning and other days still use the old fashioned way of learning the class room coud be a lot more pleasant and easy to learn in. We used animoto to make our videos.
Me encantaría asistir a la Universidad de Baylor, porque yo quiero ser abogada. Me gustaría soy un abogada porque me gusta para escuchar a mi tío hablar de su trabajo, que es muy interesante. Mi tío también es la inspiración por me elegido. Baylor está en Waco, Texas. Yo pienso hacer buenas notas.
When you want to use a picture online you have to give credit to the owner of the picture because of copyright laws. In my opinion, the idea ofcreative commonsisn’t what I would prefer to do. If I were to post a picture on the internet I wouldn’t mind if someone used it, because anyone can go and take a picture of the same exact thing that I did. It is different from a quote or a book because no one is going to have the exact same thought as I did when I was writing the quote or book. When you post something online almost anyone can easily copy it, if your picture was in an art gallery that would be different because you could have painted that so the strokes of your brush you would be yours. After your camera flashes anyone can step in right behind you and take the same exact photo. So, if you want your art looked at and known to be yours then you should make a trade mark on the bottom of your work, or know that people could be using the pictures you took and taking credit as their own.
I thoroughly enjoyed my blogging experience this semester in Spanish 2. In past classes we would start a blog, with intentions to go back and post different things, but would never give it a second look. Blogging is a lot different from FaceBook or texting my friends, it is a lot more professional. I like embedding my different forms of work into my blog, because it gives people a chance to see what we are doing, also once I am older I can come back and look at it one day. Instead of, it just laying on a teachers desk waiting to be graded. Also, I don’t have to worry about losing assignments. When other students comment on my blog it lets me know someone is paying attention to the effort I have put into all of my posts and things I have put into it. Later on in life if I have a job dealing with computers blogging helps me become more familiar with different aspects of embedding and communicating professionally with others. I would like to continuing working with the blog because it is a lot more interesting than sitting in class waiting for the next assignment, it also allows me and my classmates to be more independent and responsible with our work. Over all this blogging experience as been very beneficial and I have enjoyed it very much.
In Spanish 2, we went over several different vocabulary lists and grammar structures on ways to tell about your daily routine for getting ready to go somewhere. Also, we learned about reflexive verbs, which is a verb that you can connect back to the subject, how to use them in writing or in a conversation.
Process of Making my Avatar:
First, I made a rough copy to our script that our avatar.
Second, I turned my rough copy to my teacher for her to revise.
Third, she explained where the errors were.
Forth, I corrected my errors.
Fifth, I took a couple days to become familiar with pronunciation of the words and fluency with the paragraph.
Sixth, I used my cell phone to call into the Voki website and record my voice to the avatar with my daily routine.
Seventh, I emailed my avatar to my teacher.
This project counts as my final six weeks grade of the first semester.
About the Daily Routine Project:
I really enjoyed using the avatars in class, because it gave me a chance to do something new, instead of sitting in a desk all class with pen and paper writing in a language that I am not familiar with. I rather do the speaking parts over the Voki website, because I do not have to stand up in front of everyone and worry about the way I sound speaking a foreign language. This was a new way to learn more about Spanish. It was different than projects I have done in Spanish one last year and this year. It is easier to learn new things when you are experiencing them in new ways.
We learned how to use tener que, immediate future, present progressive and present tense. You use “tener que” when you are trying to say you “have to” do something. You use immediate future when are saying you are “going to” do something. You use present progressive when are saying that you are “doing” something right now. Also, you use present when are you saying what you “do” on a day to day basis. I used the Stixy website to describe how to use each verb tenses in a sentence.
After reviewing adjectives I completed a priject describing my favorite person. I used the Stixy website to create a board describing Laruren Graham. Then, I went on the internet and uploaded pictures about my person and I created sentences using the verb ser because ser is the decription verb in Spanish.
During the first six weeks we learned how to introduce ourselves using basic conversation skills. Now, we have made avatars, that are represent of ourselves. It tells you my name, about my family, pets, what I like to do and what I am involved in. Here is my avatar: