This week we have been learning how to make comparisons using “más”, more, and “menos” less, in Spanish 2. We decided to try something a little different called “Flip the Class,” basically you learn the material at home and then you do the homework is class. Since it was our frist time trying it we watch the video on comparisons in class and reviewed each other on what we had just learned. In stead of worksheets in class, then a quiz, and finally a test we are making a slide show project on the lesson. This method of learning, to me, can be either bad or good. Good because it gives you time in class to ask questions if you do not understand instead of going home and not having anyone to ask, especially in Spanish. Bad, because a worksheet could show your ammount of understand on the subject. If you combined the two or had certain days where you used this method of learning and other days still use the old fashioned way of learning the class room coud be a lot more pleasant and easy to learn in. We used animoto to make our videos.
Photo credit: John Smith, Sarah Lewis, Jim Kurt, Kim Trot, Josh Cob, Collin Hunter, George John, Ian Adam, Colton Trip , Dustin Lawn