When you want to use a picture online you have to give credit to the owner of the picture because of copyright laws. In my opinion, the idea ofcreative commonsisn’t what I would prefer to do. If I were to post a picture on the internet I wouldn’t mind if someone used it, because anyone can go and take a picture of the same exact thing that I did. It is different from a quote or a book because no one is going to have the exact same thought as I did when I was writing the quote or book. When you post something online almost anyone can easily copy it, if your picture was in an art gallery that would be different because you could have painted that so the strokes of your brush you would be yours. After your camera flashes anyone can step in right behind you and take the same exact photo. So, if you want your art looked at and known to be yours then you should make a trade mark on the bottom of your work, or know that people could be using the pictures you took and taking credit as their own.