
We walked to the nature center today. There is gravel, trees, and mud all over the place. Ants are crawling on the pine straw. I almost tripped over the roots sticking out of ground. I can hear kids screaming at the playground. It smells like honey suckles and flowers. It is humid and and the mosquitoes are buzzing around my head trying to land on my arms and legs. I can hear dogs barking and I found an air plane on the ground right as we were about to go inside. On the way back to the class room I saw a ladybug:)



N- nectar

A- acorn

T- telephone pole

U- undergrowth


E-elephant ear plants


The wind in blowing, the trees are swaying we are writing in the heat of the day. Bugs are crawling the sun is beating down and my friends are talking.

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